"Those who sow in TEARS shall reap with joy." Psalm 126:5
Growing Hope for the Future Planting Seeds of Hope
Mission Statement
Brief History
Organizational Plan
Humanitarian Aid
Haiteen/Coram Deo
South Africa
Missions Renewal Ministry
Gordon and Diane Lewis
Upcoming Events
Radio TEOS
Partnership Programs
Contact Information


Gordon and Diane Lewis

Gordon is an ordained minister and has ministered in missions, pastoral work, and
Christian counselling since 1980. Diane has a background in special education as a
teacher. In 1993 Gordon and Diane travelled to Russia and were immediately moved with
compassion over the plight of the Russian orphans. Since that time they have
established the chairitable organization Mission of T.E.A.R.S. to advocate for the
children's needs. Together they have organized an adoption agency licensed by the
Province of Ontario, and have placed children from Eastern Europe into Canadian and
American homes. The Lewis' are considered to be experts in children's issues in
adoption, both at home and abroad. Gordon's pioneer work in adoptions from Russia has
been recognized, and he is frequently requested to speak on radio and television
discussing international adoptions. Diane's capacity as International Humanitarian
Co-ordiantor for Mission of T.E.A.R.S. has brought about the equipping of orphanages in
medical aid, clothing, and school supplies. Aid projects have included airlifts with the
Canadian Air Force to the Caribbean and Eastern Europe for the help in the construction
of two orphanages. Mission of of T.E.A.R.S. has funded Christian radio station TEOS in
Russia since 1993 and has worked in joint venture with United Christian Broadcasters.
The Lewis' are parents and grandparents and live near Toronto, Ontario, Canada.